Forensic Life Cycle Assessment, Regulatory Advice and Reverse Engineering

At The LCA Centre, our core activity is packaging forensic life cycle assessment (LCA). We employ packaging technologists and use laboratory functional and forensic instrumentation to support comparative packaging LCA studies, with or without the pack stakeholders.

We help formulate your environmental claims and answer your questions related to current packaging environmental issues, including current and future regulatory issues, materials and process development, and packaging eco-innovation. We are your independent packaging future-proofing partner.

Our services and research are focussed exclusively on packaging and associated products, such as foodservice disposables, and reuse/refill packs and systems. The two major sectors of interest are food and cosmetic; however, studies have also been carried out in the field of transport packaging and the packaging of non-food FMCG products.

The LCA Centre is an independent research institute established by the packaging company Royal Paardekooper Group and the environmental NGO Natuur & Milieu. We are a member of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes (IAPRI) and a partner of the University of Twente Packaging Chair.

Packaging Forensic Life Cycle Assessment

If you want your sustainable packaging choices and environmental claims to be robustly quantified, then reliable and technologically relevant input for Life Cycle Assessment is necessary. With our unique combination of packaging expertise and our extensive range of functional testing instrumentation and forensic analysis laboratory instrumentation, we can quantify packaging sustainability, with or without the pack stakeholders. All LCA studies follow the relevant ISO standards and are peer reviewed when communication of product environmental claims to 3rd parties is required.


Packaging Life Cycle Assessment peer review

The quality of life cycle assessment studies is reflected in peer review. While a typical peer review is heavily focussed on LCA methodology, it often lacks the same degree of scrutiny in relation to accuracy and relevance of the input. Peer review of packaging LCA studies performed by The LCA Centre guarantees the highest level of verification of both the application of LCA methodology and the technological correctness of the input data.


Packaging reverse engineering

Packaging users often want to understand the material composition of their packs and/or those of their competitors. This can be useful in commercial discussions within the ever more consolidated packaging supply chain. With our forensic and technical lab services, it is not only possible to find out what your or your competitor’s packaging is made of, but also to compare the pack performance to other packs with similar functionality.


Packaging regulatory advice and emerging issues management

The regulatory landscape related to packaging and the environment is fast-changing, complicated and can be difficult to keep up with. We are active in Brussels with the parties involved in this EU regulatory landscape and are able to identify the likely direction it will take, providing vital input to the future-proofing of any packaging eco-innovation.


Packaging eco-innovation support

Many of our services play an important role in packaging eco-innovation and troubleshooting, providing vital LCA and regulatory insights into the packaging design process.

Dr. Alan Campbell

Packaging Technologist

ir. Loek Waegemaekers

Packaging Technologist

Diana Schiffer

Packaging Regulatory Advisor

Dr. Sybren Schoustra

Packaging Technologist

ir. Mieke van den Berg

Packaging Technologist

Kim Whittenham


To go-verpakkingen: van verbrandingsoven naar hergebruik

In samenwerking met Natuur & Milieu is bijgevoegd rapport over To-Go verpakkingen opgesteld. The LCA Centre heeft voor het merendeel van de producten de materiaalsamenstelling bepaald.

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LCA study of waste free cup system at Dutch events by The LCA Centre

In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, en in samenwerking met Plastic Promise, heeft The LCA Centre onderzoek gedaan naar de milieu-impact van de huidige afvalvrije bekersystemen op festivals. Uit het onderzoek komt geen ‘winnaar’ naar voren.

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Maatregelen metalen drankverpakkingen

We researched the presence of plastic coatings in 15 of the most littered metal cans for the Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Department of Waterways and Public Works).

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A forensic approach to life cycle assessment

Dr. Alan Campbell researched and developed a new LCA inventory method based on forensic research.

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The new plastics economy - rethinking the future of plastics

Our team contributed to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation report on the future of plastics.

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Duurzaamheid van verpakkingen in de supermarkt

Our team carried out an in-depth life cycle assessment of plastic tray packaging for Natuur & Milieu's newest publication on the current obstacles of recycling.

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  • Zilverwerf 17, Beuningen, Nederland

